Asset Study/Review

Alternatives Private Equity Asset Study/Review
Northeast Plan Adds PE Allocation; Axes Large-Cap Core Mgr.

A Northeast pension plan approved a new target to private equity in the second quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Washington Plan Launches Asset Allocation Study

A Washington-based plan is conducting an asset allocation study for a fund it oversees.

Asset Study/Review
Illinois University To Review Investment Strategy

An Illinois university is reviewing its investment strategy to comply with new law.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Teachers Plan Terminates MLP, Active Large-Cap Managers

A Midwest pension plan terminated its MLP and active U.S. large-cap equity managers.

Real Assets
Midwest City Plan Slates Real Estate, Infrastructure Searches

A Midwestern city pension plan will launch searches for both real estate and infrastructure managers.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Texas Fund Directs Consultant, Staff To Outline Potential Emerging Manager Program

A Texas-based fund directed its general investment consultant and staff to develop an outline for the possible creation of an emerging manager program.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Adopts New Asset Allocation

A pension fund on the West Coast has adopted a new asset allocation that will lead to manager searches.

Asset Study/Review International / Global / Emerging Markets
Southern Pension Fund Makes Global Low Volatility Hire

A city pension fund in the South has hired a passive global low volatility manager

Great Plains Plan Eliminates Commodities Allocation

A city pension fund in the Great Plains has eliminated its commodities allocation while increasing its real estate targets.

Asset Study/Review
Hawaii Trust Adjusts Asset Allocation

A Hawaii-based trust revised the asset allocation for its endowment last year, increasing its allocation to an alternative asset class, according to documents.
