The plan is seeking global and international small-cap and small- to mid-cap equity managers after approving the RFP last week.
Pension plan expects to review approving a search for international small-cap equity managers next month.
CIO Jonathan Grabel recently rehired the trust’s public markets passive manager and the pension plan made a $270 million private equity commitment this week.
The plan hired a manager to implement its maiden 3% target to private debt as part of a new asset allocation policy in March.
Plan re-upped with another commitment to an existing real estate manager.
The plan expects to conclude the search process in the third quarter.
The plan expects to issue the RFP later this month and make a selection in the third quarter.
The plan hired a new manager to handle its bank savings fund option as it provides a more stable income source.
The plan hired a new manager in its bank loan search after interviewing three finalists today.
The new semi-liquid multi-sector manager will handle a roughly $250 million mandate for the plan.