Plan will issue an RFP for bank loan managers following approval at this week’s board meeting.
Plan will relaunch a search for private credit after reevaluating initial criteria and formally discontinued a bank loan search with no current plans to relaunch.
The plan is looking to refresh its pool of bank loan managers.
A university based in New England has added two commitments to its portfolios.
The plan nears conclusion in its emerging markets equity search and finalizes its bank loan hunt.
The plan hired a fixed-income manager to replace two underperforming incumbents.
The plan has issued a leveraged loan program RFP.
The plan is searching for two managers as part of regulatory requirements.
Plan added a floating rate public debt target as part of asset allocation changes approved at this month’s board meeting.
Plan will review a domestic small-cap value manager at an upcoming meeting while its consultant takes an extra look at a bank loan manager.