Conference Coverage

Conference Coverage
Allocation Dynamics Must Be Clearly Articulated To Stakeholders

Endowment boards need to have expectations as to how asset allocation and positioning is going to impact short-term results, an interim CIO at a university said, during a conference held in Miami this week.

Conference Coverage
Retired CIO Says Private Markets Managers Will Turn To Wealth Space For Growth

The CIO said the comments to an audience of financial advisors at a conference held in Miami this week.

Conference Coverage
Behavioral Risk Must Factor Into Investment Management: Panel

Group think, herd mentality and confirmation bias are three key behavioral issues that can impact investment committees, according to panelists during the Resilience: Creating the All-Weather Portfolio session.

Conference Coverage
Enterprise Risk Approach Is Promising Investment Management Tool: Panel

Managing endowment and managing university spending should go hand-in-hand.

Conference Coverage
Education Is Barrier To Investing In Women- And Minority-Led Managers: Panel

Lack of information stymies investor appetite for diverse investment strategies.

Conference Coverage
Endowments Should Stick With Private Equity: Panel

The alternative class will likely outperform public markets even in lower return environments.

Conference Coverage
Climate Risks Factors Necessary For Nonprofit Portfolio Modeling, Assumptions: Panel

Consequences of climate change and stranded assets must be incorporated into investment portfolios as a risk factor to protect against future downside dangers.

Conference Coverage
F&Es Must Eliminate Biases In Governance And Investment Processes To Help Emerging Managers: Panel

Foundations and endowments need to eliminate biases in their governance and investment processes to unlock more opportunities for women and minority investment managers.

Conference Coverage
Diversity And Documentation Key In Committee Recruitment: Session

Diversity and documentation represent two key factors for foundations looking to build out or fill seats on their investment committees and boards.

Conference Coverage
Private Investments May Do More Harm Than Good For Nonprofits: Session

Foundations and endowments may be their own worst enemy when it comes to investing in private equity and hedge funds.
