Chicago retiree health plan is seeking a general investment consultant to sign a five-year contract.
Deadline for proposals in college’s search for an investment consultant has been extended one week to May 11.
The city is seeking a retirement plan consultant for its 401(a) and 457 plans.
The plan decided to stick with its general investment consultant following an RFP search.
Plan’s investment committee will review a recommendation to rehire the incumbent consultant.
The city retained incumbent Innovest Portfolio Solutions after issuing an RFP last year.
Plan is surveying the market for private credit and credit-related consulting services due to the evolution of its non-core fixed-income portfolio.
Plan is searching for a firm to review and recommend changes to its investment policies.
She conducts analytical research on U.S. and non-U.S. equity markets.
Search is due to its incumbent’s upcoming contract expiration.