County is searching for a consultant for its 457(b) and 403(b) deferred compensation plans.
The foundation has issued an open-invitation RFI after finding a “disappointing lack of diversity” in its initial research into firms.
The new initiative includes a five-part strategy that includes education, recruitment, mentoring and training, retention and community engagement.
The plan has rehired its incumbent to provide investment management and consulting services.
Plan agreed to move ahead with an RFP for general investment consultant services as well as split a $50 million core real estate allocation between two firms at its Feb. 17 board meeting.
The plan opted to retain its incumbent consultant following a search launched in November.
A managing director was hired in October to assume day-to-day management responsibilities.
The plan will seek a firm to review its investment practices and administration.
The plans initially hired the firm in 2014.
The plan is searching for a firm to provide consulting services for its $4 billion portfolio.