A Calif.-based pension plan will hire a new general investment consultant after narrowing its search to three finalists.
A Southwestern pension plan is scheduled to finalize hires in an ongoing venture capital search at tomorrow’s board meeting.
A Midwestern deferred compensation plan made a decision in its investment advisory and consulting services search.
A Great Lakes city has launched a search for discretionary investment management services on behalf of its retiree health care trust fund portfolios.
An Illinois pension fund will issue an RFP in June due to the contract expiration of its incumbent.
An outsourced cio recently added a managing director.
Healthcare organizations are rebalancing back into risk assets in response to the unprecedented environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey.
A Mid-Atlantic school board has issued an RFP for retirement plan consulting services for its deferred compensation plans.
A California county 457 plan has launched a search for investment consulting services due to the incumbent’s contract expiration.
A New England pension plan has issued its general investment consultant RFP.