A Midwestern firefighters’ plan has reissued an investment consultant RFP.
A Southern city pension fund has hired ACG to perform an independent review.
A retirement fund in New England has concluded its search for an independent investment consultant
A county pension fund in the Midwest has issued an RFP seeking a general investment consultant.
A Midwestern public housing authority is seeking a retirement plan consultant for its defined contribution plan.
A Mid-Atlantic transit authority has issued RFPs seeking defined benefit and deferred compensation plan advisory services.
A New England pension plan has issued an RFP for general investment consulting services.
A Northeast city has issued an RFP for general investment consulting services on behalf of its pension funds and OPEB trust.
A Rocky Mountain state has hired a new general investment consultant for its defined contribution plans.
A pension plan in a Mid-Atlantic state will launch a search for non-discretionary hedge fund consulting services in March.