A Southeastern pension plan expects to issue its consultant RFQ early next year.
Mercer today announced its global assets under management had reached $304.5 billion USD as of 30 November, 2019.
A West Coast pension fund will discuss conducting a search for an alternative assets consultant.
A Southern tribe has issued an RFP seeking a firm to handle its investment portfolio.
A Pennsylvania-based university has hired a discretionary investment consultant.
A Midwestern pension plan hired a new private equity consultant this week.
Arjun Raghavan will become ceo of Partners Capital by the end of 2020, the firm announced.
A Western higher education system has issued an RFP for investment consultants for its retirement plans.
A Southern college has extended the deadline for proposals in its search for an investment consultant.
A Midwestern university formed an endowment to help manage the proceeds of a public-private utility partnership transaction at its board meeting this month.