A California city is searching for a general investment consultant for its two pension plans.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan will interview three finalists in its discretionary private markets consultant search this week.
A Southwest defined contribution plan has begun a search for an investment advisor for its 401(a) and new 457(b) plans.
A Mid-Atlantic-based firm named a chief portfolio strategist for its outsourced cio team.
A Northeastern pension plan approved a hire in its investment consultant search in November.
A Western 529 plan is searching for an investment consultant to oversee and advise on its assets.
A new foundation will search for an investment advisor to oversee its endowment this year.
A wealth management firm agreed to acquire an investment advisor in a deal that is expected to close in the second quarter.
A Western foundation has issued an RFI for investment consultants for its long-term and sustainable and responsible investment pools.
A Southern college will interview four finalists in its search for an investment consultant.