A pension plan in New England has issued a general investment consultant RFP.
A pension plan in the Southeast has scheduled interviews in its consultant search.
An authority in the Pacific Northwest has issued an RFP for investment consulting services.
A Canadian University has issued an RFP for an investment manager for its approximately $62 million portfolio.
A California-based plan will consider issuing two consultant RFPs at today’s board meeting.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan is slated to issue an RFP for private markets discretionary consulting services later this week.
A deferred compensation plan in the West has scheduled its next general investment consultant RFP.
A Midwestern police pension fund retained its incumbent investment consultant following an RFP process.
A state pension fund in the Southwest will present a draft general investment consultant RFP at an upcoming board meeting.
A pension plan in the Southeast has issued an RFP for a general investment consultant.