The plan will interview three investment consultant finalists after issuing an RFP in May.
The college is closing its internal investment office and transitioning the management of its endowment to an outsourced cio provider on Sept. 1.
The fund has hired an asset allocation consultant and expects to adopt its asset allocation and investment policy statement during its December board meeting.
The retirement system was scheduled to interview three finalists in a domestic small- to mid-cap equity search at last month’s board meeting.
The investment consultant will advise on two retirement plans.
The retirement system hired its incumbent consultant to a five-year contract following a search conducted in 2019.
The plan received five proposals in response to a fiduciary consultant RFP issued in January.
The plan has begun its search for private equity, private credit and real assets consultants.
The plan stuck with its incumbent after issuing an RFP in February and will review its private markets consultant search in the coming months.
The plan’s incumbent consultant will see its contract expire next year.