A California-based foundation hired a new investment consultant to oversee its approximately $15 million investment portfolio earlier this year.
A Florida city is seeking a consultant to assist with a plan administrator search for its deferred compensation plan.
A pension plan in the Southwest has hired a new general investment consultant.
An airport authority in New England has issued an RFP seeking investment consulting services.
A large city pension fund in Florida will issue an investment consultant RFP at the end of the month.
A West Coast County has rehired NFP to provide investment consulting services for its four retirement plans.
A pension plan in the Midwest has issued a pair of RFPs in search of consultant services.
A plan in the Northeast has issued an RFP seeking private equity consultants.
A Texas-based plan has assigned its consulting services to a new firm.
A California university has issued RFPs seeking fixed-income managers for its liquidity and intermediate duration portfolios and a consultant for its 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan.