The plan is relaunching the search due to “issues” with its previous RFP.
The plan made a hire last month after issuing an RFP for advisory and investment consulting services in April.
The railway’s board is searching for an investment advisor to help implement a trust fund, which will have an initial $1.6 billion allocation.
The plan’s current consultant was hired in 2016 following a similar search.
Outsourced cio usage is expected to “increase considerably’ over the next two years and nonprofit institutions are expected to adopt the discretionary model at the fastest rates, according to new research.
The investment consultant will be responsible for a pension plan and an OPEB trust.
The plan’s new project basis-consultant was chosen over finalists Hyas Group, Innovest Portfolio Solutions and Mesirow Financial.
The village is seeking a firm to provide fiduciary and investment advisory services for its 457b plans.
The pension plan hired a firm to complement its existing fixed-income managers and rehired its general investment consultant yesterday.
The city last issued an investment consultant RFP in 2020.