The county rehired the investment consultant that serves on behalf of its defined benefit plan, OPEB trust and LOSAP program trust.
The plan is also conducting a consultant search for informational purposes.
The plan’s incumbent general investment consultant was first hired in 2018.
The program will issue an RFP for the services early in the first quarter due to the impending contract expiration of its incumbent consultant, which will be allowed to rebid.
The plan is seeking help in developing a customized private markets consultant RFP.
The plan hired an emerging manager consultant this summer.
The plan has issued an RFP seeking non-discretionary consulting services.
The city previously hired the firm in 2020 following a similar search.
The Chicago-based wealth management and investment advisory firm has agreed to purchase a majority stake in the prominent investment consulting firm.
The search is for services on behalf of the county’s 457(b), 401(a) hybrid and 401(a) defined contribution plans.