The police and fire retirement plan is seeking consulting services after approving the search in May.
General consultant MBC Investment Consulting is assisting in the search.
The plan will interview three firms in its outsourced cio search next week.
A recent award recognition and leadership transition at independent investment consultant LCG Associates validates its structure and customized client-first approach.
The agency is looking for a consultant to oversee roughly $50 million in non-pension funds.
The plan’s investment committee voted today to rehire its incumbent real estate investment consultant.
The search is due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent, which saw its contract extended by a year to allow for the search.
Plan is seeking a consultant to provide services related to diversified strategies and/or hedge fund investing.
The plan is seeking one or more firms to provide non-discretionary consulting services for three asset classes.
The city last issued a general investment consultant RFP for its 401(a) defined contribution and 457(b) deferred compensation plans in 2018.