The plan opted to retain its incumbent investment consultant and 529 industry consultant following searches from the first quarter due to the contract expirations of each firm.
The firm has hired a managing partner and cio to lead its discretionary and non-discretionary investment practices.
The investment consultant will advise on a new venture capital program.
The university has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant to assist in determining investment options for its operating funds.
The plan rehired its incumbent consultant after a fee reduction.
Plan staff will interview five firms in its search for non-discretionary private markets consultants before returning with finalists.
The plan conducted a similar search in 2020 and hired NEPC.
The plan agreed to assign its alternatives consultant contract to its current general investment consultant last week.
The plan, which did not previously utilize a consultant, selected a firm last month.
The plan also named two semifinalists in its general investment consultant search.