The college savings plan will conduct searches for both investment consulting and 529 industry consulting services due to the April 2023 contract expirations of its incumbent providers.
The plan made the hire at a board meeting this week after reissuing an RFP for the second time this summer.
Hyas Group currently serves as general investment consultant for the district’s four retirement savings plans.
The plan has hired a new consultant, replacing an incumbent that has worked with the plan since 2011.
The plan is seeking a consultant for real estate and other real assets.
The will focus on pension plans and nonprofit clients, respectively.
The plan last rehired its general investment consultant in 2016.
The plan chose a new discretionary real estate consultant over its incumbent and one other finalist this week.
The college savings program renewed the contracts of its two general investment consultants for a five-year term last month.
The rehired its general investment consultant this month and made a $30 million distressed debt commitment to an existing manager in August.