The plan’s contract with its current consultant will expire in April.
The plan will issue the RFIs as its looks to put its contracts out to bid due to their upcoming expirations.
The plan, which launched an investment advisor search earlier this year, extended services with its incumbent on a month-to-month basis.
The services sought include general board consulting as well as consulting for the plan’s private debt, private equity, real estate and infrastructure programs.
The plan has issued its RFP for a general investment consultant after issuing a private equity consultant RFP earlier this month.
The plan will interview five firms in its investment consultant search at a meeting next month.
The plan is seeking firms that offer core and specialized private equity consulting services.
The new ceo will retain his previous responsibilities as a field consultant, while its former ceo will serve as chairman.
The plan authorized staff to issue the RFP in November and committed to an existing buyout manager at yesterday’s board meeting.
The firm added a consultant to focus on client service, investment policy, asset allocation and manager structure implementation last month.