Credit/Private Debt

Industry News
Historic Oil Drop Leaves Investors With More Questions Than Answers

Supply versus demand after the shutdown related to COVID-19 represents the lingering question for investors.

Midwest Plan Issues Opportunistic Fixed-Income RFP

A Midwest city plan has begun its search for an opportunistic fixed-income manager.

Credit/Private Debt
Southwest Plan Monitoring Credit Opportunities; Makes Private Commitments

A Southwestern permanent fund is closely monitoring credit opportunities and made real return and real estate commitments this week.

Asset Study/Review
Florida Pension Adds Emerging Markets Equity; Increases Private Credit

A Florida-based employees pension plan approved a new asset allocation at its board meeting yesterday.

Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan Adds Credit Commitment

A New England pension plan approved a credit commitment at last week’s board meeting.

Florida Plan To Interview Private Credit Consultant Finalists; Sets Non-Core RE Pacing Plan

A Florida pension fund will interview three private credit consultant finalists in May and approved a new non-core real estate pacing plan at its board meeting yesterday.

California Plan Makes Private Commitments

A California pension plan made five private commitments at today’s board meeting.

Credit/Private Debt
Texas Plan Adds Credit Commitments

A Texas plan added a pair of credit commitments and adopted an investment performance report from its general investment consultant RVK.

West Coast Plan Discloses Private Commitments

A pension fund on the West Coast disclosed four private commitments at its board meeting yesterday.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund To Review A/A In Advance Of July Strategic Review

A Southern fund will review its asset allocation next month in advance of its July meeting, where a formal strategic asset allocation review will take place.
