A Southern trust fund will issue a real estate debt RFP next year and further discuss private credit investments for its portfolio.
A Texas pension plan added a commitment to its direct lending portfolio last week.
A Northeast pension plan approved commitments at its board meeting last week.
A Florida city employees pension plan is looking for a private credit consultant to help implement a new 5% target to the asset class.
A California county plan has issued an RFP for a dedicated managed account platform provider.
A Northeast plan will soon issue an RFP to potentially replace an international equity manager.
A Washington, D.C.-based organization is seeking direct equity, convertible and mezzanine debt, credit, infrastructure, venture capital and real estate strategies that have a positive developmental impact.
A West Coast pension plan has approved an invitation-only search for European debt managers.
A Northeastern pension plan approved its first alternatives allocation at a meeting yesterday.
A Southwestern pension plan added a pair of distressed debt commitments at Wednesday’s board meeting.