Credit/Private Debt

Real Estate Fixed-Income Credit/Private Debt
Kansas Approves High-Yield & Bank Loan Search
The $14.2 billion Kansas Public Employees Retirement System approved the authorization of an RFP
Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
San Francisco Tweaks Fixed-Income Portfolio; Makes Alts. Commitments
The $17.2 billion San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System made target changes
Domestic Equity Alternatives Fixed-Income
La. Municipal Police Approves EME Search
The $1.6 billion Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement System approved a search for
Alternatives Fixed-Income Equity
San Francisco Hires Two Alts. Consultants, Bank Loan Manager
The $17.2 billion San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System hired two alternative
Domestic Equity Alternatives Fixed-Income
K.C. Employees Reviewing Fixed-Income Portfolio
The $918 million City of Kansas City (Mo.) Employees Retirement System has been discussing ways to
Alternatives Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
La. Municipal Police Approves Asset Allocation, Strategy Additions
The $1.6 billion Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement System will search for emerging
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
Quincy Seeking Emerging Markets Small-Cap, Bank Loan Mgrs.
The $280 million City of Quincy (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System issued RFPs for emerging
Alternatives Fixed-Income Real Assets
San Fran Nears Real Assets Consultant, Bank Loan Mgr. Decisions; Makes Alts. Commitments
The $17.2 billion San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System selected finalists for
Alternatives Fixed-Income Real Assets
Tennessee Makes Private Commitments
The $38.2 billion Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System made two private commitments totaling up
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
LA Utility Plan To Conduct Fixed-Income Searches
The $9.6 billion Los Angeles Water & Power Employees Retirement Plan will begin conducting three