Credit/Private Debt

Michigan Plan Adds Alts. Commitments

The plan made a pair of private credit commitments and one private equity commitment last month.

Credit/Private Debt
Windy City Plan Adds Maiden Credit Allocation

Plan added a 3% target to private credit as part of broader asset allocation changes approved today.

West Coast Plan Monitoring Underperforming Mgr.

The manager has trailed its benchmark for two consecutive quarters.

Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan To Interview Three Credit Managers

The plan may hire two direct lending managers next month.

Southeast Plan Makes Core-Plus Fixed-Income Selection

The selection will conclude a core-plus fixed-income search for a replacement manager.

Industry News
Alternatives Manager Launches Infrastructure Credit Platforms

The sustainability-focused firm has launched global and European infrastructure credit platforms targeting global investments in energy, transportation, social, digital and other sustainable infrastructure.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northwest Plan Eyes International Equity Mgr. Hires

The plan will consider hiring two international equity managers to handle up to $700 million total this week following a search from last year

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. City Plan Hires Multi-Asset Credit Managers

The plan hired five multi-asset credit managers today as part of its previously approved return-seeking fixed-income structure.

Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan Begins Opportunistic Fixed-Income Search

The plan is seeking a firm to handle a $15 million mandate and provide uncorrelated returns to both equity and fixed-income markets.

Asset Study/Review
Texas Plan Axes Emerging Market Debt

The plan eliminated a 5% target to emerging market debt and redistributed it amongst existing asset classes.
