Credit/Private Debt

People Moves
Cardano Adds Credit Head

He lead the evolution of the firm’s credit offering.

Credit/Private Debt
Texas Plan Adds Credit Commitment

Plan added a $100 million commitment to a direct lending fund at the end of last week.

Private Equity
Southern Teachers Plan To Launch Seven Mgr. Searches

The plan will conduct seven manager searches beginning in January.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Hires Private Debt Mgrs.; To Consider PE Portfolio Changes

The plan hired two private debt managers at its board meeting yesterday and will consider making changes to its private equity portfolio next year.

Passive Equity
West Coast Plan Slates Passive Mgr. Search

Plan will see a firm for passive U.S. and non-U.S. equities, fixed-income and real assets investment management services.

Midwest Plan Reviewing PE FoF, Private Debt Searches

The plan will receive two search book presentations at this week’s investment committee meeting.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Seeking Multi-Credit Manager

Plan is seeking a firm to manage a customized multi-credit mandate with an initial range between $400 million and $1 billion.

People Moves
Appian Appoints Credit & Royalties Head

He will be responsible for evaluating, executing, monitoring, originating and structuring the firm’s credit and royalty investments.

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. Plan Issues Illiquid Credit Emerging Mgr. Program RFP

The plan has issued its RFP seeking a separate account manager to handle an approximately $750 million allocation.

Credit/Private Debt
Michigan Plan Adds Direct Lending Investment

Plan wrapped up a direct lending manager search with a $12 million commitment in September.
