The search follows the plan’s decision to divest its emerging markets equity allocation from Chinese holdings.
The pension plan liquidated its approximately $1.9 billion international equity mandate and made commitments totaling $108 million in April.
The investment consulting firm disclosed the public markets manager research team’s areas of focus for the coming months.
The plan will also receive an update in its ongoing domestic small-cap core equity and global fixed-income manager searches next week.
The plan rehired NEPC as its general investment consultant today ahead of the firm’s 10-year contract expiration.
The pension plan has replaced its domestic core-plus fixed-income manager due to personnel changes and underperformance.
The pension plan has replaced its incumbent domestic small- to mid-cap value equity manager, which had been on watch.
The pension plan has selected one firm to provide hedge fund, credit and real assets consulting services.
He succeeds Jose Minaya, who has served in the role since 2020.
The firm raised $765 million for the opportunistic credit fund.