The fund was slated to consider the addition of a new bank loan manager across its three portfolios this week to help complement existing bank loan manager allocations.
The firm has hired a senior v.p. and senior portfolio advisor to provide investment advice, asset servicing and related services to help nonprofit clients.
The college recently concluded its search for a firm to provide investment and plan advisory service for its defined contribution plans, retaining its incumbent advisor.
The firm has made three senor hires to accelerate its efforts to reach the private wealth channel and make its alternative products more accessible to a broader investor base.
The outsourced cio is closing down after more than a decade of service and is in the process of offboarding clients, which it manages approximately $2.1 billion on behalf of.
The investment consulting firm has launched its sixth annual Endowment and Foundation Survey to help nonprofit leaders understand what other institutions are doing in the space and why.
The organization has issued an RFP seeking investment consulting services for its 403(b) and 457(b) retirement plans for standard due diligence purposes.
The university has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant for its retirement plans as it recognizes the importance of reviewing its processes for selecting and monitoring record keepers and investment options.