Daily Feed

Industry News
Managing Risk Key to Growing Small & Large Endowments, Panel Says
Understanding the risk tolerance of your investment portfolio is just one of the ways to sustain
Industry News People Moves
Russell Sage Foundation Names President
Sheldon H. Danziger has joined The Russell Sage Foundation as president, according to an
Industry News
Nonprofit Healthcare Should Follow Endowments To Diversification: White Paper
Small- to mid-size nonprofit healthcare organizations must adopt a more diversified investment
Industry News People Moves
MacArthur Names Aberdare Founder To Board
Paul Klingenstein has been elected to the board of directors for the $5.7 billion MacArthur
Domestic Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Danville To Conduct Large-Cap Growth Equity Search
The $201 million Danville (Va.) Employees Retirement System will be conducting a search for a
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Wyoming Eyes Mid-Year Hedge Fund RFP
The $6.7 billion Wyoming Retirement System will issue an RFP for credit and equity hedge fund
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio Schools Considering MLPs, Infrastructure, Timber During Asset Allocation Study
The $11 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System is undergoing an asset allocation study
Domestic Equity Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Colorado County Makes International Equity Hire
The $279 million El Paso County Pension System approved the hire of active international equity
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Mass. Plan Hires Frontier For Smid-Cap Equities
The $104 million City of Marlborough (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has hired active
Fixed-Income Equity
Florida Plan Makes Manager Selections
The Florida Housing Finance Corporation selected a pair of investment managers to handle its