Daily Feed

Fixed-Income Equity
Alabama School System Issues Investment Management RFP
The Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County (Ala.) has issued an RFP seeking investment
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Penn. Employees Makes 6 Alts. Commitments
The $49.5 billion Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System made six private
Industry News People Moves
San Fran Hires Alternatives Managing Director
The $16.3 billion San Francisco (Calif.) City & County Employees Retirement System hired Arthur
Industry News People Moves
Loomis Sayles Makes Fixed-Income Promotions
Loomis, Sayles & Co. has promoted Brian Kennedy and Todd Vandam to portfolio management positions
Industry News People Moves
URDANG Adds Private Real Estate Head
Real estate manager URDANG has named P.J. Yeatman to the new position of head of private real
Real Estate Fixed-Income
St. Paul Seeking Enhanced Fixed-Income Mgr.
The $891 million St. Paul (Minn.) Teachers’ Retirement Fund Association is searching for an
Real Estate
NY OPEB Seeking Public REITs Manager
The New York Power Authority is searching for a public REITs manager for its $341 million Other
Alternatives Fixed-Income Equity
Richmond To Discuss Alternatives
The $492 million Richmond (Va.) Retirement System will discuss three alternative strategies at its
Surveys/Studies Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Ohio Highway Schedules Asset/Liability Study; Halts Consultant RFP
The $715 million Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirement System will be conducting an asset/liability
Erie To Issue Consultant RFP
The $188 million City of Erie (Pa.) Retirement Fund is currently drafting an RFP for a new general