Daily Feed

Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
L.A. City Could Begin Searches Totaling $1.57 Billion
The $10.8 billion Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System could begin searching for equity
Alternatives Equity Real Assets
Adams County Makes Int'l Equity Hires; To Discuss MLPs
The $192 million Adams County (Colo.) Retirement Plan hired two international equity
Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Wayne County Makes Int'l Equity Changes
The $800 million Wayne County (Mich.) Employees Retirement System has hired international equity
Industry News
Pensions Should Use More Active Mgmt., Cambridge Says
Pension funds should adopt a more holistic approach by allocating more dollars to active
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
MassPRIM To Issue Emerging Market Debt RFP; Increases HF Allocation
The $50.3 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board will issue an RFP for
Real Estate Surveys/Studies Real Assets
UN Pension Fund Considering Commodities, RE Increase
The $42.7 billion United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund is considering creating a 5% target
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Philly To Issue Hedge Fund Consultant RFP
The $4.1 billion Philadelphia Public Pension Employees Retirement System will issue an RFP for a
CalPERS Seeking Real Estate Consultants
The $233.8 billion California Public Employees Retirement System has issued its RFP for real estate
Stonington Hires FIA For Due Diligence Review
The $20 million Town of Stonington (Conn.) Pension Plan has hired Fiduciary Investment Advisors to
People Moves
Long Departs SBCERA To Join USC
Brian Long, investment officer for the $6 billion San Bernardino County (Calif.) Employees’