Daily Feed

Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Sacramento County To Shift Towards Direct Hedge Funds; Makes PE Commitment
The $5.9 billion Sacramento County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association plans to
Surveys/Studies Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Illinois SURS To Review Int'l Equity After Approving Minor Changes To Asset Allocation
The $14.5 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois will begin reviewing its
Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
OPERS Expands Emerging Manager Search To Non-U.S. Equity
The $75.7 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System has expanded its emerging
Real Estate Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Ann Arbor Eyes Emerging Markets Equity & Fixed-Income, Natural Resources, TIPS & Bank Loans
The $418 million Ann Arbor (Mich.) City Employees Retirement System is considering
Texas Teachers Renews Consultant Contracts
The $109 billion Teacher Retirement System of Texas renewed the contracts of four
People Moves
San Bernardino Hires Pension Vet as CEO
The $6 billion San Bernardino County (Calif.) Employees’ Retirement Association today
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Boston Seeking Hedge Fund-of-Funds
The $4.7 billion Boston Retirement System is searching for hedge fund-of-funds managers to
Domestic Equity
Grand Rapids Concerned With Lotsoff
The $683.4 million City of Grand Rapids (Mich.) Retirement Systems is concerned with the
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Calif. County Terminates Hedge FoFs
The $6 billion San Bernardino County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association terminated
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Conn. Plan Invests With Third Point
The $230 million City of Danbury (Conn.) Retirement Plan invested $3.5 million with hedge fund