Daily Feed

Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Ohio Highway To Seek Int'l Small-Cap, Domestic Micro-Cap
The $664 million Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirement System will issue RFPs for
Fixed-Income Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Chicago Police To Issue Investment Consultant RFP; Places Wells On Watch
The $3.05 billion Chicago Policemen’s Annuity & Benefit Fund will issue a general
Domestic Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
Texas Employees Issues Public Equity Emerging MoM RFQ
The $21 billion Employees Retirement System of Texas has issued an RFQ for emerging
Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
CalPERS Seeking Real Estate Consultants
The $199.4 billion California Public Employees Retirement System is seeking at least three
Alternatives Private Equity
NY State Common Fund Makes Commitments
The $126 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund made commitments to four
Oklahoma Teachers Retains Consultant
The $8.4 billion Teachers Retirement System of Oklahoma has retained gregory.w.group as
People Moves Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Mercer Hires Public Funds Director
Brian Birnbaum has been named director of public funds for Mercer‘s investment consulting
Industry News
FMA Adds Research Analyst, Director of Client Service Administration
Michael Vitek has been named a senior director and research analyst on the large-cap
Industry News
Crosswind To Offer Small-Cap Value Through JV
Crosswind Investments and Investment Management of Virginia have entered into a joint
Industry News
PCA Adds To Real Estate Team
Austin Carmichael has rejoined Pension Consulting Alliance as v.p. of real estate consulting