Daily Feed

Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
New Mexico Educational Issues Emerging Markets Equity RFP
The $8.8 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board has issued an RFP for emerging markets
Domestic Equity Real Estate Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Sacramento Hires For Enhanced Index; To Discuss Int"l REITs
The $6 billion Sacramento County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System selected BlackRock and
People Moves
CalPERS CEO May Depart, Report
Fred Buenrostro, ceo of the $244 billion California Public Employees Retirement System, could be
People Moves
Principal Global Investors Names U.S. Institutional Sales Head
George Jamgochian has been named head of U.S. institutional sales at Principal Global Investors,
People Moves
Silver Creek Hires Managing Director; To Open London Office
Gideon Nieuwoudt has been named a managing director at Silver Creek Capital Management, the hedge
Industry News
Mercer First To Rate Emerging Markets Managers By "Sustainability" Investing
Mercer has announced it will rate emerging markets managers on their capacity to incorporate
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Non-U.S. & Global Equity
St. Louis County Seeking International Small-Cap
The $480 million St. Louis County (Mo.) Government pension plan is searching for an international
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Milwaukee Closing In On Alternatives
The $5.3 billion Milwaukee City Employees Retirement System is considering a 15% maiden allocation
Hedge Funds Surveys/Studies
Santa Barbara Conducting Asset/Liability Study
The $1.85 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has approved an
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Oklahoma Employees Makes Asset Allocation Changes
The $6.8 billion Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System adjusted its asset allocation at a