Daily Feed

Surveys/Studies Real Assets Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mass. Plan To Receive Infrastructure Education; Review Managers
The $220 million Brookline (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System will receive an education in
People Moves
LACERS Names General Manager
The $10.7 billion Los Angeles City Employees” Retirement System has named Sally Choi as its new
Industry News
CalPERS Sells Stake In Smith Asset Management
The $240 billion California Public Employees Retirement System has completed a management-led
Industry News
AMR Sells American Beacon
American Beacon Advisors, the investment adviser business of AMR Corp., has been sold to Lighthouse
Industry News
Callan Launches UMA Program
Callan Associates and Natixis Global Associates have launched a unified account program designed
Real Estate
Citi Names Global Real Estate Head
Thomas Flexner has been named global head of real estate at Citi Institutional Clients Group, the
Industry News
Canyon-Johnson Closes Urban Fund III With $1B
The Canyon-Johnson Urban Fund has closed its Urban Fund III with $1 billion in commitments. The
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Denver School To Search For Portable Alpha
The $3 billion Denver Public Schools Employees Retirement System will search for fund-of-funds
Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
MassPRIM Seeking Real Estate/Timber Consultant
The $52 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management board has issued an RFP for
Orlando Seeking Consultant
The $839 million Orlando Pension Funds has issued an RFP for an investment consultant, said Shelly