Daily Feed

Domestic Equity Real Estate Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Nashville To Issue 130/30 RFP
The $2.1 billion Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County (Tenn.) Employees Benefit
Real Estate Fixed-Income
Ohio Highway Patrol To Review Fixed-Income, Real Estate Portfolios
The $850 million Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirement System will review its fixed-income and real
Canada Fund Seeking Currency Management
The CAD4.6 ($4.65) billion Nova Scotia Pension Agency is searching for a currency manager.
People Moves
Milwaukee City Hires Executive Director
The $5.1 billion Milwaukee Employees Retirement System has selected Jerry Allen as its new
People Moves
Okla. Teachers Executive Secretary To Retire
Tom Beavers, executive secretary for the $9 billion Teachers Retirement System of Oklahoma will
Industry News Real Estate
CalSTRS Enters Into Industrial Joint Venture
The California State Teachers Retirement System has committed $200 million to an industrial joint
Industry News
Largest U.S. Plans Lose Up To $110B In First 3 Weeks of '08
The largest U.S. pension funds have lost up to $110 billion of their value compared to their
Alternatives Private Equity
Louisiana Sheriffs To Examine Private Equity In 2008
The $1.55 billion Louisiana Sheriffs Pension & Relief Fund will begin to examine private equity
Surveys/Studies Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Mass. Fund Selects New Consultant; To Review Assets
The $141 million Weymouth (Mass.) Retirement Board hired Fiduciary Investment Advisors as its new
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
Oklahoma City Terminates SSgA; Still Interested in P.E.
The $474 million Oklahoma City Employees Retirement System is expected to terminate enhanced index