Daily Feed

Industry News
Nonprofits Consider Mergers To Expand Funds, Reach
With an increase in the number of nonprofits around the country, charities are experimenting with
Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
LA Fire & Police Seeking Real Estate Consultant
The $15 billion Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension Fund is searching for a real estate consultant.
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Kansas City Plan To Discuss Small-Cap Value Search
The $859 million Kansas City (Mo.) Public School Retirement System expects to discuss a small-cap
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Denver Public Schools Educating On Portable Alpha
The $3 billion Denver Public Schools Employees Retirement System will continue to receive an
Domestic Equity
OPERS To Receive 130/30 Education
The $80 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System will receive an education into 130/30
Domestic Equity Real Assets
Mass. Plan To Continue Investment Discussions; Hire Mid-Cap Core
The $710 million Worcester (Mass.) Retirement will pick up discussions on infrastructure and
People Moves
Aquiline Adds Senior Advisor
Steven Kluger has been named senior advisor at Aquiline Capital Partners, the private equity firm
Emerging/Diverse Managers
Indiana PERF Selects Leading Edge
The $17.4 billion Indiana Public Employees Retirement Fund approved hiring Leading Edge Investment
Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
St. Louis County Terminates Capital Guardian
The $480 million St. Louis County (Mo.) Government‘s retirement plan terminated Capital Guardian
Domestic Equity
Mass. Fund Hires For Large-Cap Growth
The $200 million Holyoke (Mass.) Retirement Board hired a large-cap growth manager and delayed the