Kudu Investment Management has made a passive minority investment in RiverNorth Capital Management.
The plan expects to issue the RFP before the end of the month.
The plans have a total of $8 million in assets.
The retirement association also made real estate commitments and a hedge fund redemption this quarter.
Thomas J. Gahan was named president and ceo while James W. Hirschmann III was tapped as chair.
The new senior managing director will oversee the continued growth and integration of Pretium’s operating companies.
The global alternative investment manager hired Ari Dukas as managing director and lead credit product specialist.
BlackRock will acquire the global credit investment manager for approximately $12 billion.
Active large-cap value and Wilshire 5000 index mandates were shifted into a Russell 1000 Index fund earlier this quarter.
The plan will look to hire five firms after launching a search in January.