Authority is seeking a consultant on behalf of its 457(b) and 401(a) plans.
The transportation authority approved the hire of a new firm to handle the services last month.
Government association has issued an RFP for investment and advisory services on behalf of its deferred compensation plan.
The plan is looking for a firm to provide plan design and administration, record keeping, investment option selection, monitoring and trustee/fiduciary education.
Plan is searching for general investment consulting services on behalf of its 457 and 401 plans.
The plan’s consultant conducted a search last quarter due to organizational changes.
State deferred compensation plan retained its incumbent investment consultant following a search initiated last quarter.
The plan is conducting the search due to the contract expiration of its incumbent.
Plan hired a new third-party administrator after receiving a total of nine responses to an RFP issued last year.
The plan anticipates approving an award in its stable value manager search at an April board meeting.