Deferred Compensation

Administrator/Record Keeper
Midwest DC Plan Launches Record Keeper Search

The plan last conducted a search for the services in 2019.

Great Lakes Authority Relaunches Retirement Plan Consultant Search

The authority canceled and reissued a search for retirement plan consulting services initiated in July.

Administrator - Bundled
Texas County 457 Posts Bundled Services Provider RFP

The county deferred compensation plan conducted a similar search for the services in 2017.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mich. Authority Posts Investment Advisor RFP

The mental health authority is seeking investment advisory services on behalf of its 401(a) and 457(b) plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Illinois 457 Plan Seeking Bundled Provider Services

The deferred compensation plan is looking to consolidate its record keeping and administrative services with a single provider.

Michigan Authority Seeking Retirement Plans Consultant

The authority is conducting a search on behalf of its 457(b), 401(a) and retirement health savings plans.

Administrator - Bundled
California County Seeking DC Plan Providers

The county last conducted a search for the services on behalf of its 457(b) and 401(a) plans in 2019.

Administrator - Bundled
Texas School District Posts Retirement Plan Services RFP

The district is seeking a provider for record keeping and administration, investment advisory and trustee services.

Southern Port Seeking Retirement Plan Investment Consultant

The port authority is seeking retirement investment consulting services on behalf of its OPEB trust and defined benefit, deferred compensation and defined contribution plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Northeast DC Plan Rehires Bundled Provider

The deferred compensation plan rehired its incumbent bundled provider to conclude a search launched last year.
