Deferred Compensation

Domestic Equity Deferred Compensation Passive Equity
Indiana DC Concludes Passive Manager Search
The $1.2 billion Indiana Deferred Compensation Plan selected State Street Global Advisors as its
Domestic Equity Deferred Compensation Passive Equity
Indiana DC Concludes Passive Manager Search
The $1.2 billion Indiana Deferred Compensation Plan selected State Street Global Advisors as its
Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary Deferred Compensation
Tacoma 457 Sticks With Hyas Group
The $436 million City of Tacoma (Wash.) 457 Deferred Compensation Plan has awarded its general
Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary Deferred Compensation
Arkansas School District Seeking Retirement Plan Consultant
Fort Smith (Ark.) Public Schools has issued an RFP for retirement plan investment consulting and
Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary Deferred Compensation
Atlanta Launches Consultant RFP For Pension, 457, 401a Plans
The City of Atlanta Pension Investment Board has issued its RFP for general investment consulting
Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary Deferred Compensation
Atlanta Launches Consultant RFP For Pension, 457, 401a Plans
The City of Atlanta Pension Investment Board has issued its RFP for general investment consulting
Deferred Compensation Administrator - Bundled
San Fran 457 Hires New Third Party Administrator
The $3.5 billion San Francisco City & County Deferred Compensation Plan has hired Voya Financial to
Deferred Compensation Administrator - Bundled
San Fran 457 Hires New Third Party Administrator
The $3.5 billion San Francisco City & County Deferred Compensation Plan has hired Voya Financial to
Deferred Compensation Administrator - Bundled
Washington State Issues Record Keeper RFP
The Washington State Department of Retirement Systems has issued an RFP for record keeping services
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Deferred Compensation Administrator - Bundled
Alabama Housing Board Seeking Investment Advisor
The Mobile (Ala.) Housing Board has issued an RFP for investment advisory services for its current