A Midwest pension plan approved a new asset allocation as well as the hire of a domestic small-cap equity manager in July.
A Texas pension plan has added commitments within its real estate and private equity portfolios.
A Southern California nonprofit has stopped its search for one or more consultants to serve as fund managers for a private real estate equity fund it was looking to raise.
A pension plan in Pacific Northwest has made a change in domestic large-cap growth equity managers.
A state pension fund in the South has concluded its emerging markets equity and domestic micro-cap equity searches.
A Texas-based pension plan was scheduled to approve a search for domestic large-cap equity emerging managers last week.
A Texas-based plan has issued its RFP for private equity consulting services.
A pension plan in Southern California has issued its RFP for domestic small-cap equity emerging managers.
A pension fund in the South has terminated three domestic equity mandates to save on fees.
An Ohio pension plan will eliminate its equity hedge target as part of a new hedge fund policy approved this week.