A pension plan in the Great Lakes region has made some structural changes to its emerging manager program.
A police plan in the Midwest is conducting a search for emerging market debt managers.
A pension fund in the Northeast has begun a search for a domestic large-cap value equity manager
A state pension fund has issued an RFP for investment consulting services on behalf of its defined contribution and deferred compensation plans.
A pension fund in New England has begun its fixed-income manager search
A Midwest state teachers plan made and liquidated several investments this week.
A California-based pension plan will conduct searches in both the domestic and international equity spaces.
A large county pension fund on the West Coast disclosed recent investment transaction and hedge fund terminations.
A Pennsylvania pension plan approved new commitments at a board meeting yesterday.
A Tennessee 529 plan has dropped an investment manager’s domestic small-cap, domestic large-cap and international large-cap equity strategies as well as an inflation protected securities portfolio from its investment option lineup.