Domestic Equity

Southern Endowment Slated To Interview Russell 1000 Growth Manager Finalists

The endowment conduct in-person interviews with three finalists in its domestic large-cap growth index fund manager search at its board meeting this week.

Domestic Equity
Southern Pension Plan Hires Large-Cap Growth Mgr.; Adds RE Commitment

The pension plan hired a new domestic large-cap growth equity manager and committed to an existing opportunistic real estate manager today.

Credit/Private Debt
Southeast Pension Eyeing Private Credit Commitment Change

One of two private credit commitments approved earlier this year has failed in negotiations.

Domestic Equity
Southern Fund Extends Watch List Status For Firm; Transitions Real Estate Manager

The fund extended the watch list status for one of its domestic equity managers during its August board meeting despite improved performance over the last three quarters.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Retirement System Slates Credit Search; Axes Three Mgrs.

The retirement system agreed to launch an evergreen private debt manager search and terminate three managers as part of a new asset allocation policy.

Northwest Plan Converts Micro-Cap Mandates

The plan’s micro-cap manager will now manage small-cap mandates.

New England Plan Selects SCV, Core Fixed-Income Finalists

The plan will interview finalists in November.

East Coast Pension Plan Issues Consultant RFP; Slates Large-Cap Value Search

The pension plan has issued a general investment consultant RFP due to an upcoming contract expiration and will launch an active domestic large-cap value equity manager search as part of a portfolio structure review.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Midwest Pension Shakes Up Emerging Manager Program

The pension plan shifted its emerging manager program to a U.S. small-cap equity mandate to increase its chances of achieving excess returns.

Domestic Equity
Colo. City DC Hires Mid-Cap Growth, Sustainable Equity Mgrs.

The plans recently replaced a domestic mid-cap growth equity manager due to underperformance and hired a sustainable equity manager.
