Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Passive Equity Smart Beta
ISBI Hires BlackRock For Strategic Partnership
The $18.3 billion Illinois State Board of Investments hired BlackRock to manage index and
Domestic Equity Large-Cap
Tennessee Plan Makes Large-Cap Value Hires
The $300 million Chattanooga (Tenn.) General Pension Plan hired two domestic large-cap value equity
Domestic Equity Large-Cap
Venice Fire To Review Large-Cap Value Options
The $24 million City of Venice (Fla.) Firefighters Retirement Plan will review potential
Domestic Equity Large-Cap
Holyoke Revamps Large-Cap Value Manager Lineup
The $285 million Holyoke (Mass.) Retirement System completed its domestic large-cap value equity
Domestic Equity Large-Cap
Florida Plan Terminates Sawgrass
The $40.7 million City of St. Augustine (Fla.) General Employees’ Retirement System terminated
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
Jacksonville P&F To Begin Int'l Small-Cap, Private Assets Searches
The $2.1 billion Jacksonville (Fla.) Police & Fire Pension Fund expects to begin searches for
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Large-Cap
Westfield Concludes Large-Cap Search; Slates SCV Mgr. Finalist Selection
The $232 million Westfield (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has rehired both of its active
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
New York Common Adds Public, Private Equity Mandates
The $209.1 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund funded $2.8 billion in new domestic equity
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Hartford Revamps Small, Smid-Cap Portfolio; Makes Commitments
The $1.1 billion City of Hartford (Conn.) Municipal Employees’ Retirement Fund has revamped its
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Municipal Adds New Investments
The $28.4 billion Texas Municipal Retirement System approved approximately $1.4 billion in new