Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Vermont Wraps Up Int'l Small-Cap Search
The $4.3 billion Vermont Pension Investment Committee hired international small-cap equity manager
Domestic Equity
Mass. Plan Begins Active Mid-Cap, Passive Large-Cap Searches
The $37.6 million Town of Webster (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has issued RFPs for active
Domestic Equity
Mass. Plans Slates Mid-Cap Core Finalist Interviews
The $285.6 million Holyoke (Mass.) Retirement System and the $231.6 million Westfield (Mass.)
Domestic Equity
Montana Makes Mid-Cap, Long/Short Equity Hires
The $11.5 billion Montana Board of Investments hired new domestic mid-cap growth equity and partial
Domestic Equity
Texas Plan Moves Large-Cap Mandate To Passive
The $21 million Brazos River Authority Retirement Plan for Employees moved its domestic large-cap
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Kansas Makes Private Commitments
The $18.4 billion Kansas Public Employees Retirement System approved up to $225 million in private
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
Austin Fire Adds Venture Capital FoF Commitment
The $949 million Austin (Texas) Firefighters Relief & Retirement Fund committed to a venture
Domestic Equity Alternatives Credit/Private Debt
NYS Teachers Issues Private Markets Consultant RFP
The $115.5 billion New York State Teachers Retirement System issued an RFP for a private markets
Domestic Equity
Alabama Plan Seeks Record Keeper, Stable Value Manager
The $610 million State of Alabama Deferred Compensation Plan has issued an RFP for record keepers
Domestic Equity
Roseville Mulls Possible Active Emerging Markets Equity Mgr.
The $142 million Roseville (Mich.) Employees Retirement System may consider shifting its emerging