Domestic Equity

Industry News Domestic Equity Alternatives
Investors Up PE Despite Lower Return Expectations: NEPC
A majority of foundations and endowments intend to boost or maintain their private equity exposures
Domestic Equity
Md. Plan Conducting Domestic Large-Cap Value Search
The $82.6 million Carroll County (Md.) Pension Trust Fund is searching for a domestic large-cap
Domestic Equity Alternatives Credit/Private Debt
Lubbock Hoses Adds PE, Private Credit Commitments
The $192 million Lubbock (Texas) Fire Pension Fund made a pair of private markets commitments at
Domestic Equity
Florida Plan Makes Large-Cap Growth Hire
The $121.5 million City of Largo (Fla.) Police and Fire Pension Plan hired a new domestic large-cap
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
MassPRIM Makes Alternative, PE Follow-on Commitments
The $66.9 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board approved more than
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Texas Plan Makes Domestic Small-Cap Investments
The $162 million Amarillo (Texas) Firemen’s Relief and Retirement Fund approved a pair of new
Domestic Equity
Ga. Plan Begins Large-Cap Value Search
The $250 million Chatham County (Ga.) Employees Retirement System has issued its RFP for a domestic
Domestic Equity
Milwaukee Employees Completes Large-Cap Value Search
The $5.2 billion Milwaukee Employees’ Retirement System has funded a new active domestic large-cap
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Texas Employees Discloses New Commitments
The $27 billion Employees Retirement System of Texas approved a pair of alternatives commitments in
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
MainePERS Makes Commitments
The $13.9 billion Maine Public Employees Retirement System made three commitments totaling up to