Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Wisc. Discloses First Quarter Alts. Commitments
The $108.6 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board added approximately $1.2 billion in new
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
L.A. Fire & Police Posts Real Estate Manager RFP; Disclosed PE Commitments
The $20 billion Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension System has issued its RFP for U.S. core separate
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
MainePERS Makes Commitments
The $13.1 billion Maine Public Employees Retirement System made three commitments at its April 13
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Oklahoma Plan Makes Private Commitments
The $673 million Oklahoma City (Okla.) Employee Retirement System made two private commitments at
Domestic Equity Alternatives Fixed-Income
Ohio Girl Scouts Seeks Investment Firm
The Girl Scouts of North East Ohio is seeking an investment firm to manage its approximately $6
Domestic Equity Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Wyoming Approves Asset Allocations, Ups PE and MLPs
The Wyoming State Treasurer’s Office, which oversees approximately $19.7 billion in permanent,
Domestic Equity Alternatives Real Assets
Ohio State Eyes Private Equity Increase With $1B Inflow
Ohio State University‘s $3.9 billion endowment will grow by over $1 billion due to a recent energy
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Albuquerque Fdn. Approves New Asset Allocation
The Albuquerque (N.M.) Community Foundation recently approved a new asset allocation for its $65
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Yale Revises Asset Allocation
Yale University revised the target asset allocation for its approximately $25.4 billion endowment
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
OPIC Makes PE Commitment; CEO Departs
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) recently approved the addition of a private