The plan approved a consultant recommendation to replace its existing U.S. small-cap equity option.
The institution approved a new passive equity index investment with a diverse manager this summer as part of its commitment to promote diversity, equity and inclusion internally and through its selection of investment managers.
The plan hired a passive domestic large-cap growth equity manager to replace an active mandate.
The plan also disclosed a pair of private markets commitments.
The plan is looking to potentially replace an underperforming manager.
The plan will interview two U.S. small-cap value equity managers this week and also recently added an international equity manager.
The plan moved an additional $30 million to an active equity manager hired over the summer.
The university approved a private credit commitment within its endowment last month that appears to represent a new relationship.
The plan hired two managers to fill its maiden domestic small-cap equity target and committed to a new timber manager in August.
The plan also disclosed private equity, real estate and strategic investments from the third quarter.