The plans made a hire in their search for a new domestic large-cap value equity manager this month.
The plan added domestic small- to mid-cap core and value managers to handle $90 million each.
Plan approved a new asset allocation as continues work toward separating its assets from the state’s division of investment.
The fund is looking for emerging managers-of-managers to handle domestic small-cap and large-cap equity portfolios.
The plan hired two firms in the domestic small-cap equity space to replace a previously terminated manager.
The plan will use active management in the large-cap value space.
Portland, Ore.-based TCM specializes in small-cap and small- to mid-cap growth investing for both institutional and retail investors.
The plan terminated a domestic small-cap core equity manager and made a private equity commitment with an existing manager this week.
The plan hired its general investment consultant and selected two new active mid-cap equity managers.
The plan will issue an RFP in the spring for domestic small-cap equity managers.