Domestic Equity

Asset Study/Review
Virginia Plan Adopts A/A; Adds Equity Investment

A Virginia-based pension plan approved new long-term asset allocation targets as well as an emerging markets growth equity investment today.

Southeast Plans Approve Small-Cap Mgr. Changes

Two Southeastern pension plans approved domestic small-cap equity manager changes at today’s board meeting.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan To Launch Private Debt, Defensive Equity Searches

A Midwestern pension plan will launch private debt and defensive equity searches as part of a recently approved asset allocation.

Domestic Equity
Midwest DC Program Names Large-Cap Value Finalists

The program will receive presentations from the finalists at an upcoming board meeting.

Northwest 457 Plan Hires Equity Managers

The plan concluded searches for an active international large-cap value equity manager and a passive domestic mid-cap equity manager in March.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Boosts Smid-Cap Equity Target

A university based in the Midwest increased its target allocation to domestic small-to-mid-cap equities in late April.

Domestic Equity
UPDATE: Eastern Plan Hires SMID-Cap Value Mgr.

An Eastern state plan hired a domestic small- to mid-cap value equity manager last month.

Domestic Equity
Eastern Plan Receives SMID-Cap Value Recommendation; Shakes Up Hedge Fund Portfolio

An Eastern state plan received a domestic small- to mid-cap value equity manager recommendation last month and made several changes to its hedge fund portfolio in April.

Passive Equity
New England Issues Equity Index Provider RFP

The plan is searching for one or more managers to provide six equity index accounts.

New England Plan Begins Large-Cap Core Search

The plan is conducting a search for active domestic large-cap core equity managers for due diligence purposes.
