Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity
Ohio Public Employees Makes 130/30 Hires
The $73.7 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System has hired AQR Capital Management and J.P.
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Florida Plan Hires Smid-Cap Manager
The $105 million Pompano Beach (Fla.) General Employees System has selected Atlanta Capital
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Equity
Abington Makes Fixed-Income Hires
The $81 million Abington Township (Pa.) pension plans hired fixed-income managers PIMCO and Dodge &
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Wilton Makes Manager Changes
The $69 million Town of Wilton (Conn.) Pension Plan adopted a new asset allocation and hired 10 new
Domestic Equity
Palmetto Plan Makes Large-Cap Changes
The $8.5 million City of Palmetto (Fla.) General Employees Pension Plan made domestic large-cap
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Mexico To Issue Passive Equity RFPs; Absolute Return Searches Next
The $11.3 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association will issue RFPs for domestic
People Moves Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Connecticut Names Interim PE Officer
The $23.2 billion State of Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds named Terry Purcell as
Domestic Equity Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Loomis Sayles Names Smid-Cap Manager After Nationwide Search
Jeffrey Schwartz has been named co-manager of the domestic small-cap value and small- to-mid-cap
Domestic Equity
Sacramento County Hires Three Large-Cap Mgrs.
The $6.1 billion Sacramento County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System hired three
Domestic Equity
Mass. Plan Seeking Large-Cap Equity Mgr.
The $104 million Marlborough (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System is searching for an active